1. Introduction The aim of this study is to analyse the social determining factors of the energy decisions on residential heating, one of the most important areas of energy consumption. Residential energy decisions are influenced by differences in social and economic position, which are responsible ...
Selection of zones and commodities Selected Zone Poultry (meat/eggs) Beekeeping (Honey & wax) Dairy (Milk, butter, heifer) SR (meat/ live animals) Irrigated agriculture Total - Central√-√√√4 - Eastern-√√√4 Total Table 1. Selected zones and associated high value commodities in Tigray,...
This is a great time to show your support by spending your travel dollars into the economy in sustainable ways.Add Nepal to your travel itineraryfor 2016. Burma Burma is back.It has become a hot destination over the past couple of years. As the political situation stabilizes and Burma begins...
A critical issue in the Bitcoin framework is the regulation of cryptocurrencies which is heterogeneous across countries. In some jurisdictions, Bitcoin is completely banned (e.g., Bolivia, Morocco, or Nepal); in others there is no limit to its use (European countries, USA, and many others)....
1. Introduction The research focuses on rural areas, which, according to the Eurostat definition [1], refer to all areas outside urban clusters (areas with at least 5000 inhabitant and at least 300 per km2). Based on this definition, rural areas cover 75% of the European Union’s land ...
The value of recreational benefits has been estimated at 359 to 574 euro per visit to the Marine Nature Reserve (MNR) in the United Kingdom [43]. Economic value of the Poseidon temple in Sounio, Greece has been estimated at 1.5– 24.5 million per year based on travel cost method [44]....
land Article Agricultural Land Conversion, Land Economic Value, and Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study in East Java, Indonesia Mohammad Rondhi 1,* , Pravitasari Anjar Pratiwi 1, Vivi Trisna Handini 1, Aryo Fajar Sunartomo 2 and Subhan Arif Budiman 3 1 Department of Agribusiness, University ...