What would be the benefits of having a Bitcoin over a dollar? Why are Bitcoin investors in China much wealthier than US Bitcoin investors? What are the arguments in favor of investing in Bitcoin and against? 99% of the BTC trades happened when it was under $1,300 per coin. Why was the...
Motherboard keeps various parts of the computer together, which allows for the proper functioning of the computer system. Learn the different parts of the motherboard, how it functions through the schematic diagram, and the technological developments of the motherboard. Related to...
1.1. Telematics Information System Telematics is modern technology of receiving, storing, and sending of information in a wireless form. In a broad sense, it means, the use of informatics and telecommunication in an integrated form. In a telematics system, technologies such as the Global ...
risks Article On Exactitude in Financial Regulation: Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Expectiles James Ming Chen 1,2 ID 1 College of Law, Michigan State University, 648 North Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824-1300, USA; chenjame@law.msu.edu 2 Visiting Scholar, School of Economics ...
mathematics Article Industry 4.0 Wireless Networks and Cyber-Physical Smart Manufacturing Systems as Accelerators of Value-Added Growth in Slovak Exports Katarina Valaskova 1,* , Marek Nagy 1,* , Stanislav Zabojnik 2 and George Lăzăroiu 3 1 Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and...
Keywords: false nearest neighbors; statistical information criteria; selection of effective singular value; low-speed bearing fault diagnosis 1. Introduction Bearings are widely used in rotating machinery, and bearing failures are the most frequent problem. Failures may be catastrophic or may cause major...