package com.javacode2018.lesson002.demo18.test3; import org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope; import org.springframework.lang.Nullable; /** * @see MyScope 作用域的实现 */ public class BeanMyScope implements Scope { public static fi...
Describe the bug The method TpsMonitorManager#onEvent get value from event first, and then do null check for event. This may cause a NPE. Expected behavior move null check operate forward.
// 由于@bean先于@NacosValue执行,导致在bean内对driverClass属性取值时为null。请问用什么办法可以解决? !!!WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DESCRIBE YOUR ISSUE IN ENGLISH!!! AliGHRobotchanged the title@Bean先于@NacosValue执行导致在bean内使用对应属性时为null问题Dec 29, 2018 hxy...