all vacancies). 這不單對選民 造成沉重負擔,而且可能因㆘列兩種情況而產生怪誕結果:即所謂「胡亂投票」(譬如有 6 個議席時,㆒個懶於思考的選民可能乾脆只揀選首 6 個名字,並依照這個次序排列)及「廢票」(若這制度規定選民須按照議席的數目將候選㆟排成次序)。
Interim staffing, or staff augmentation, has long been an option that companies have used to fill unanticipated vacancies or temporary needs for additional resources. Once used mainly to fill lower-level manufacturing and administrative/clerical jobs, interim staffing ultimately moved up-market to meet...
Interim staffing, or staff augmentation, has long been an option that companies have used to fill unanticipated vacancies or temporary needs for additional resources. Once used mainly to fill lower-level manufacturing and administrative/clerical jobs, interim staffing ultimately moved up-market to meet...