all vacancies). 這不單對選民 造成沉重負擔,而且可能因㆘列兩種情況而產生怪誕結果:即所謂「胡亂投票」(譬如有 6 個議席時,㆒個懶於思考的選民可能乾脆只揀選首 6 個名字,並依照這個次序排列)及「廢票」(若這制度規定選民須按照議席的數目將候選㆟排成次序)。
By early May in 2020, the total volume of online job vacancies had fallen by over 50% in five OECD countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States) with respect to the beginning of the year, with even larger declines in some sectors [2]. As the ...