1.打开dta数据集 2.运行svvarlbl的ado文件(下载地址:http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s400103.html)。复制代码到stata的do-file editor里面,保存为D:\data\outlabel.do,然后在stata里面输入:do D:\data\outlabel.do 前两步也可以直接search svvarlbl, all,然后安装 3.输入:svvarl...
class sfi.ValueLabel This class provides access to Stata’s value labels. Method Summary createLabel(name) Create a new value-label name. getLabel(name, value) Get the label for a specified value-label value. getLabels(name) Get the labels for a specified value-label name. getNames() Get...
Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help Summary: Nested | Field | Constr | Method Detail: Field | Constr | Method SEARCH: Package com.stata.sfi Class ValueLabel java.lang.Object com.stata.sfi.ValueLabel public final class ValueLabel extends Object This class provides access to Stata's value ...
或者labelbook ds*,has(vallabel)这个命令也可以的
Data management-Loading, saving-7.Saving Stata® estimation results to Excel 58 -- 1:15:06 App Lecture 15_ Canonical Research Designs III_ Instrumental Variables I 116 -- 2:37 App Data management-Loading, saving-1.Importing delimited data 21 -- 2:36 App Data management- How to label th...
label var f`j' "有第`j'项设施的村子" forval i=1/15{ replace f`j'=1 if ca3_s_`i'==`j' & ca3_s_`i' !=. } } * 接下来,可以参考之前的介绍,来重复演练一下即可。 3.forvalue循环的更广泛用途 其实,话说回来,forval这个命令的用途...
svl=StataNonCatValueLabel(colname,labels,self._encoding) in the function_prepare_non_cat_value_labels()in /pandas/io/stata.py and run the example again then the file created appears to open successfully with the value labels intact.
IDataLabel IDataLabels IDataTable IDiagram IDialog IDialogFrame IDialogs IDialogSheet IDialogSheets IDialogSheetView IDisplayFormat IDisplayUnitLabel IDocEvents IDownBars IDrawing IDrawingObjects IDrawings IDropDown IDropDowns IDropLines IDummy IEditBox IEditBoxes IError IErrorBars IErrorCheckingOptions...
label value period plab . . * Generate indicator . gen DIBP = 0 . label var DIBP "Drug In Both Periods" . . bysort id year: replace DIBP = 1 if drug[period==1] == "aspirin" & drug[period==2] == "aspirin" (0 real changes made) . . list +---+ | id...