Power BI is a data visualization tool that allows you to turn raw data into insights that can help drive business decisions. One of the key features of Power BI is the ability to work with tables and modify the values within them. In this article, we will break down all the basics of...
Power Bi is not currently supported here on QnA. They're actively answering Power Bi questions in dedicated forums here. https://community.powerbi.com/ --please don't forget to Accept as answer if the reply is helpful-- Please sign in to rate this answer. 0 comments No comments ...
最近在学习Power BI进行报表的制作,其中有一项内容是日期表。日期表是使用时间智能函数的基础,Power BI...
然后将下面的脚本代码粘贴到Tabular Editor的“C# Script”窗口中: string csvPath = "D:/powerbi星球/TabularEditor/批量导入度量值并放入指定文件夹/度量值表.csv"; // 更改为您的CSV文件路径 var lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(csvPath).Skip(1); // 跳过标题行 foreach (var line in lines) {...
首发于公众号PowerBI大师 HASONEVALUE Hasonevalue, 顾名思义,只有一个值,它返回的是真或假,即判断是否只有一个值。你可以看作它的等效表达式为COUNTROWS(VALUES([列名称])) = 1。 比较常用的功能是禁止求总计。句型为=If (Hasonevalue('表'[列], [度量值], blank())什么意思,我们还用上面展示的这张...
数值作为图中的柱子,不是很重要,就不放图了。 思考如下: 首先介绍一下这个target的来历。每个Color有一个要达到的指标,假如Azure是1,Black是2,Blue是3,Brown是4,Gold是5,Green是6,但是如果不选择任何Color的时候,我要看到这个总的指标,总指标是11. ...
Table(表格)里面Target的在Total里面的值 组合图(Line and stacked Column)中的黄色的线显示的值。 随便选了一个Black结果如下: 是不是很炫酷吊炸天呢?看完本文呢,其实很简单。so easy! 先把源数据了解一下: 还是那张熟悉Product产品表。 外加一个sales事实表。因为我只是随便取这个表的一个Sales Amount的 ...
It's now common knowledge that data can improve business processes and increase revenue. A real-world example helps to unite the concepts that we've already covered and allow you to see the potential of Power BI in action. One such case is that of the Miami Heat, a professional basketball...
Optimize your business decision-making by unifying all your data. Read the e-book,Maximize Your Power BI Value, to discover five key tactics to help you bring all your data together and streamline how your organization makes decisions.
Optimize your business decision-making by unifying all your data. Read the e-book,Maximize Your Power BI Value, to discover five key tactics to help you bring all your data together and streamline how your organization makes decisions.