Spine supportsthevalue-based purchasingmodel by utilizing superior raw materials and local manufacturing, [...] solvayplastics.com solvayplastics.com Nexxt Spine公司成立于2008 年,通过采用优质原材料和本地制造,支持基于价值的采购模式,为医院和手术中心 提供更具性价比的产品定价。
医疗质量和服务评价的目的,一方面是帮助患者和家属选择医疗机构就医,另一方面美国政府也依靠评价的医疗结果激励医疗机构提高质量和服务水平。美国老年医保与救助医保中心从2012年10月开始实施基于价值的购买政策(Value Based Purchasing)。该政策的核心是以医疗质量和服务作为给医院报销费用的标准之一。从2013年开始,老年医保...
What is VALUE-BASED PURCHASING?Oerther, SarahMissouri Nurse
Value-Based Purchasing creates a framework for continuous improvement in performance, environmental impacts, innovativeness, and social factors.
Medicare Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program is the keystone of healthcare reform for providers. The VBP Program directs the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to reward or to penalize providers on the basis of delivering higher quality healthcare services at lower cost. CMS, the...
Under the Nursing Home Value Based Purchasing (NHVBP) Demonstration, the Centers forMedicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will assess the performance of nursing homes based onselected quality measures and make additional payments to those nursing homes that achieve a higher performance or improvement over...
This paper applies the core principles of value-based purchasing (integrated data on price and performance; alignment of financial incentives; and organizational capability to evaluate alternatives) to the medical device market. Emphasis is placed on the challenges posed by information inadequacies, ...
We canvass key policy instruments from each country to outline key approaches to the identification of candidate drugs for disinvestment assessment (passive approaches vs. more active approaches); methods of disinvestment and value-based purchasing (de-listing, restricting treatment, price or reimbursement...
Value-based purchasing (VBP) is on a path to becoming the new reality for the future of U.S. health care. But will hospitals be able to manage the potential costs associated with the improved quality that VBP will require?(FEATURE STORY)...
Department of Health and Human Services announced a goal of linking at least 50\% of Medicare spending to value-based payment models such as accountable care organizations.1 Health care providers are now scrambling to reorganize in a way that delivers value while preserving or enhancing commercial ...