Current crises (i.e., climate crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the resulting energy and food shortages) indicate the need for robust, and sustainable supply chains with regional food production and farmland to secure food supply in the European Union (EU). Recent re...
It enables around 35% of the global production of cultivated crops. In the US, honeybees are used for the pollination of around 80% of all plantations and are calculated to contribute 20 billion dollars to the American economy; it should be noted that the repellant and pesticides that are ...
Use sustainable inputs (e.g., regionally cultivated crops)Install sustainability institutions in the company and the value chain (e.g., product quality standards) Reformative sustainability marketing Extends on auxiliary sustainability marketingThe company must empower consumers to overcome unsustainable ...
AHs2oOilypeaalrm−1 plantations often need irrigation becomes unavailable for human in dry years, the additional amount of freshwater needed to sustain oil use and to support ecological processes during irrigation years, when psoaclmietEacl demands are likely to be highest34. Further...
[83]. Gene editing of crops and plants to confer desired characteristics during the harvest (e.g. pesticide-free crops [84]), production processes (e.g. biocatalysts [71]), and final products (e.g. anti-fungal properties) pose as critical paths to overcome future large-scale production ...
We marked the unchanged surface natural cover being used, the changed natural cover—planting perennial plants, and the changed natural cover—planting 1-year-old crops, and divided them into 3 equal grades from 0 to 0.2. We obtained the conversion coefficient of the construction land equivalent ...
Encouraged by long-running breeding efforts to stabilise yields and reduce toxicity to the neurotoxin β-ODAP in grass pea-based diets [85,86,87,88,89], Lathyrus species are gaining interest as legume crops in Mediterranean-type environments [90] and production is increasing globally [81,82,...
For example, value chain finance approach can make an important contribution, though for a limited range of crops and farmers, and it is largely focused on credit. There are additional (though important) instances beyond what general financial services can offer. These services include new delivery...
However, in food control, pollen analysis is very efficient for the differentiation of BP produced in distinctly different geographical and climatic areas, as well as to ascertain the monofloral origin of BP obtained from intensively cultivated crops. Moreover, palynology also allows scientists to ...