Related to value added:Value added tax,Market value added,Economic value added,Value Added Activities n (Economics) the difference between the total revenues of a firm, industry, etc, and its total purchases from other firms, industries, etc. The aggregate of values added throughout an economy...
Define value-added. value-added synonyms, value-added pronunciation, value-added translation, English dictionary definition of value-added. adj. 1. Of or relating to the estimated value that is added to a product or material at each stage of its manufact
value added concept 名词 value-added deflator 名词 value added tax 名词 value-added形MKT-WB 专业词汇 value-added wertorientiert 单数在互联网中有1 个示例复数在互联网中有1 个示例 value ˈadd·ed tax名词,VAT名词 valueaddedtax Mehrwertsteuerf<-, -n> ...
The meaning of VALUE-ADDED is of, relating to, or being a product whose value has been increased especially by special manufacturing, marketing, or processing. How to use value-added in a sentence.
Net Value Added can be calculated by subtracting Depreciation from Gross Value Added. Economic Value Added Economic Value Added(EVA) can be defined as the incremental difference between a company’srate of returnand its cost of capital. Economic Value-Add is used to measure the value that a com...
精益生产-Value_Add_Improvement(中英文对照 Measure AnalyzeImprove ValueAddImprovement ValueAddTimeDefined ExampleofValueAddImprovementBatchSizeCalculation Control LeanSixSigma RD010402 Measure Analyze 增值时间的改进 增值时间的定义改善增值时间的示例影响批量的计算 Improve Control LeanSix...
AddOrUpdate(TKey, Func<TKey,TValue>, Func<TKey,TValue,TValue>) 來源: ConcurrentDictionary.cs 如果索引鍵不存在,則使用指定的函式將索引鍵/值組加入至ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>,如果索引鍵存在,則更新ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue>中的索引鍵/值組。
The key to be added or whose value should be updated 需要添加或者更新的key addValue 参数名称 Type: TValue 参数类型 The value to be added for an absent key 和新key匹配的value updateValueFactory 参数名称 【此参数不允许为null】 Type: System.Func<TKey, TValue, TValue> 参数类型 ...
Adds a key/value pair to the ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue> if the key does not already exist, or updates a key/value pair in the ConcurrentDictionary<TKey,TValue> if the key already exists.
9.Study on the Influence Factors of Economic Value Added of China s Listed Companies;影响中国上市公司经济附加价值因素的实证研究 10.Freeing up 20-percent of your time to focus on new projects that will add value will be difficult but the potential benefits are far-reaching.利用释出的20%时间,...