Dry Time @ 77 °F and 50 % Relative HumidityTo The Touch: 1 hour - 4 hour Recoat: 4 hour Clean-up & Disposal Clean up with warm, soapy water.Application Temperature 50 - 90 °F Recommended Coats 2 coats Dry To the Touch* 1 hour - 4 hour Recoat* 4 hour *...
501.6-523.3 ft/gal @ 1 mil dry -4ºF Closed Cup 4.1-4.3 lbs/gal of Product 542.4-546.5 g/l 1.26-1.33 (lbVOC/lb solid).22-.24 lb VHAP/lb solid No Valspar’s Valguard™ Conversion Varnishes are premium quality, post-catalyzed, alkyd-amino varnishes, formulated to ...
Valspar产品性能指南.pdf_1705914881.795617说明书 The data on this sheet represent typical values. Since application variables are a major factor in product performance, this information should serve only as a general guide. Valspar assumes no obligation or liability for use of this information . ...
以下是五种 硝基有色底漆 NC Base Coat 类型涂料的透明面漆在性能,操作等方面的对比: 油性擦色剂 Wiping Stain/Oil Stain 渗透着色剂 Penetrating Stain 产品类型 NC WB PU UV AC 仿古漆/干刷 Glaze/Dry Brush 涂装简易性 Easy Application 10 5 5 7 5 硝基底漆 NC Sealer 干燥时间 Dry Time 10 4 3 ...