Valores gasome´ tricos normales en nuestro laboratorio, su relacio´ n con otros para´metros de la exploracio´ n funcional respiratoria. Arch Bronconeumol 1976; 12:68 -72Rodriguez Becerra E, Diaz M, Castillo J, Montemayor T, Ramis P, Verano A. Valores gasometricos normales en ...
Jiménez R, BeatrizJaimovich F, RodrigoGatica R, HéctorSciELORevista Médica De ChileGonzalez P, Carmona A, Araya Av, Miranda K, Massardo T, Jimenez B, et al. Valores normales de cap- tacion de 131Yodo de 2 y 24 horas. Rev Med Chile 2008; 136: 1288-93....
valores normales del electrorretinogramaElectroretinogramelectrodes for electroretinogramelectroretinogram normal valuesa study was conducted in 7 separate researches, where the normal values of macular frequency, amplitude and latency of the a and b waves of the electroretinogram were recorded, ...
Consequently, normal value was in these cases determined on the basis of constructed value. EurLex-2 - comparación del valor normal y del precio de exportación en fases comerciales distintas; ( ii ) comparison of the normal value and the export price at different levels of trade; Eur...
They used the method of integration of glow by means of a pneumotachography. The values were correlated accordin to age, height, weight and body surface using a linear model and a potential model for the statistical study. They determine the coefficients of correlation and the equations of ...
Method: 100 echocardiographic studies were reviewed in normal children aged between 5 and 18 measuring the values of peak systolic longitudinal strain. The statistical analysis used was ANOVA. Results: global longitudinal myocardial deformation average was -22.17% + - 0.39. Th...
Valores norma- les de las alfa-fetoproteina en embarazadas a las 24 y 28 semanas de gestacion. Gac Med Caracas 2007;115:213-8.Salazar de Dugarte G, Faneite P, Pineda F, Molina F. Valores normales de las alfa-fetoproteinas en embarazadas a las 24 y 28 semanas de gestacion. Gac Med...
Valores normales de 3 métodos para determinar rótula alta en nios de 6 a 12 aosThe other methods evaluated also had variability indices to be taken into account, but were inferior to the Koshino-Sugimoto index.doi:10.1016/j.recot.2018.02.004Vergara-Amador, E....
Universidad de La RC, Sanchez ME, Prada GA. 2012. Parame- tros fisiologicos y valores hematologicos normales en bu- falos (Bubalus bubalis) del Magdalena Medio colombiano. Rev Med Vet 23: 51-64.Londono R, Sanchez M, Prada G. 2012. Parametros fi- siologicos y...
Anales De PediatriaManjon Llorente G, Fernandez-Espuelas C, Gonzalez Lopez JM, Ruiz-Echarri MP, Baldellou Vazquez A. Va- lores normales de los marcadores del recambio oseo durante la infancia. An Pediatr (Barc) 2004; 60 (4): 330-6....