Those at the upper LDL-c tertile, after the SAT diet,were found to have statistically significant greater decreases (absolute and relative values) withthe Mediterranean and HCO diet. In the multivariate analysis, the only variable with an effecton the modification of LDL-c, after shifting a ...
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of long-term exposure to lower plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) on the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).Background: LDL-C is causally related to the risk of CHD. However, the association between long-ter...
Compreende-se, assim, que o gene PCSK9 seja capaz de modular a expressão celular do LDLR e, dessa forma, influenciar os níveis plasmáticos de LDL-C (que tocam os da hipercolesterolemia familiar nas mutações «com ganhos de função» da PCSK9)6, 7, 8. Na presença...
HipercolesterolemiaHipertrigliceridemiaPerfil de SaúdeEpidemiologia DescritivaEstudos TransversaisAnálise Estatísticaintroduction. altered lipid metabolism along with other cardiovascular risk factors promotes atherosclerosis at early age, leading to cardiovascular disease development. we aimed to estimate the ...
Comentário a «Efeito da exposi¸cão a longo prazo a valores baixos do colesterol das LDL, come¸cando cedo na vida, no risco de doen¸ca coronária --- Uma análise aleatorizada mendeliana»Objectives: The purpose of this study was to ...