VCTChampions 2024 format and groups The first stage, the Group Stage, features four groups of four teams battling it out in a double-elimination, best-of-three format. Only the top two teams from each group advance to the Playoffs Stage, where teams compete in another double-elimination brack...
VALORANT Completing our first year in VCT Americas in 2024 only made us hungrier for titles in 2025. With the latest addition of VCT Champions winner "jawgemo", expect this roster to fight for trophies not only in VCT Americas, but also international events such as Masters and Champions....
Valorant: Esports news, Valorant Masters & Champions Tour (VCT) updates, videos, roster changes, scores, schedules, guides, recaps, and expert analysis.
【VALORANT Champions 2024】 VCT Americas: Leviatán(LEV)@LeviatanEsports 确认晋级VALORANT Champions 2024!(VCT Americas S2 1st) G2 Esports(G2)@G2电子竞技俱乐部 确认晋级VALORANT Champions 202...
残局之神,团队大脑,队伍最为冷静的选手,集个人能力和思维于一体的冠军指挥,johnqt带领的SEN一举拿下多项赛事冠军,Sentinels Invitational冠军,AfreecaTV VALORANT LEAGUE冠军,VCT 2024: Americas Kickoff 冠军,VCT 2024: Masters Madrid 冠军,是johnqt成功在23年末和24年初让SEN重回北美霸主的姿态。
VCT Ascension Americas (Sept 9 - 21) VCT Ascension EMEA (Aug 31 - Sept 15) VCT Ascension PACIFIC (Sept 20 - 29) VCT ASCENSION CN (Sept 11 - 21) OFF//SEASON Across our major territories and regions, we’re excited to announce the initial batch of tournaments, competitions, and show ...
【2025 VCT AMERICAS 启点赛】2月9日 总决赛 G2 vs SEN//夜莲解说[弹幕版]共计10条视频,包括:图1 霓虹町 上、图1 霓虹町 下、图2 深海明珠 上等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
我将选手的数据分为三种:overall(所有vct赛事数据);big events(三大国际赛事数据);playoffs(三个大赛的季后赛阶段)。②样本:很多人看数据只会看大小,往往忽略了样本的重要性。丰富的样本能证明数据的高容错性;而对手强度更高、更深入淘汰赛的样本,更能证明数据的高含金量。所以即使是很高的数据大小,如若样本不够...
Todas as informações sobre o VALORANT Champions Tour 2024 Americas League Stage 1 de Valorant. Resultados das partidas, replays, streams, calendário
LEV 0 : 2 G2 19 七月2024 G2 2 : 0 100T 19 七月2024 LEV 2 : 0 KRU 18 七月2024 SEN 0 : 2 100T 18 七月2024 KRU 2 : 1 C9 Event VCT 2024 AM S2 Series VCT 2024 Dates 22 六月 - 21 七月2024 名次奖金 $250,000 Location Los Angeles Venue Riot Games ArenaHom...