Let’s see his Sens settings for Valorant: Sens Settings: DPI: 800 Sensitivity: 0.487 Scoped Sensitivity: 1 Windows Sensitivity: 6 7. cNed cNed, real name Mehmet Yaz pek, is a Turkish professional Valorant player. He is currently a member of the esports organization Acend and is regarded ...
The best sens for Valorant is in the range of 0.35 to 0.438 and a mouse DPI of 800. This equates to an eDPI of 280 to 350. An eDPI less than 250 is considered low, an eDPI of 250 to 350 is common, and an eDPI greater than 250 is considered high. ...
Zoom/scope sens. 1 DPI / CPI 800 eDPI 200 Polling rate 1000 Hz xQc VALORANT Video & Graphics Settings Window Mode Fullscreen Resolution 1920x1080 Refresh rate 240 Hz Aspect ratio 16:9 xQc VALORANT Keybinds WalkCrouchJump Left Shift Left Ctrl Space Use ObjectEquip Primary WeaponEquip Secondary...
DPI800 Sensitivity0.3 eDPI240 Scoped Sensitivity Multiplier1 Windows Sensitivity6 TenZ has traditionally changed his DPI regularly and has always been higher than average. However, he’s changed this strategy and isnow opting for lower sensand sticking with it. ...
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