Sens Settings: Dpi: 400 Sensitivity: 0.53 Windows Sensitivity: 6 Scoped Sensitivity: 1 4. Hiko Hiko, actual name Spencer Martin, is a professional esports player who currently plays for the 100 Thieves team in Valorant. He is one of the scene’s longest-standing pros. He is nicknamed “The...
封面老师B站 UID 11820732 Bgm:ビビデバ -星街すいせい Sens:400/800 Dpi 游戏内0.69 想第二个稿件是翻唱的,但真不好说要到什么时候,前几天又随到了这首歌,听着就想剪东西了,加上生日也临近了,也难得有空有余力,就又久违的试着剪一剪. 看了就知道,剪也剪不出水平欸嘿,还请就当听歌与安利吧. ...
my dpi is 820 and my ingame sens is .47 my game is in windowed mode so i guess the fov should be higher than 103. it tells me that my fortnite sens would be 5.3 but even the normal 360 distance feels a bit too slow to match valorant. how can i p......
【无畏契约】Sinatraa新浪哥雷兹Raze直播精彩集锦! #无畏契约双城之战联动 #无畏契约#sinatraa #valorant #瓦罗兰特 sinatraa 名字Jay Won 出生于2000年3月18日 国籍美国前守望先锋职业 - Willy咆哮哥于20241127发布在抖音,已经收获了81.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生
Bgm:ビビデバ -星街すいせい Sens:400/800 Dpi 游戏内0.69 想第二个稿件是翻唱的,但真不好说要到什么时候,前几天又随到了这首歌,听着就想剪东西了,加上生日也临近了,也难得有空有余力,就又久违的试着剪一剪. 看了就知道,剪也剪不出水平欸嘿,还请就当听歌与安利吧. 已经是23岁的阴暗女尸了 叹息...