VALORANTPatch 10.00, the game's first update of 2025, will complement explosive agent Tejo's addition to the game with revamped detonation mechanics and buffs. In addition, players can expect a fresh map pool, a new cosmetic type, automatic remake voting, esports and premier updates and more....
VALORANT's newest Sentinel Vyse is being buffed in Patch 9.11. While the community met Vyse's introduction with a positive reception, many team comps are still choosing more traditional Sentinels like Cypher or Killjoy. The 9.11 update will make Vyse a competitive alternative to these agents in ...
We’ll introduce a cheat function for allowing map pings to show in-world during custom games to aid labbing and lineups, but this will come in a future patch. Before Ping UpdateAfter Ping UpdateMODES UPDATES ALL PLATFORMS Team Deathmatch The Regen Shield has been added to Team Deathmatch in...
The upcoming VALORANT Patch 9.10 is arguably the biggest patch in terms of the changes it introduces. The patch not only introduces changes to multiple agents, it introduces significant gameplay changes, changes to overall movement inaccuracy and a major update to phantom. Tweet not found The embed...
Valorant patch 5.03 brings a fresh round of Chamber nerfs, as well as changes to hitbox multipliers for certain agents. The Agent Browser has also had a visual refresh, and the game’s engine has been updated. General updatesEngine update to Unreal Engine 4.26 This update improves the tool...
VALORANT Patch Notes 9.06 Player Behavior and Gameplay Systems updates, New Player Tips for those new to VALORANT, and more. Game Updates 9/10/2024 VALORANT Patch Notes 9.05 Updates to the number of Astra’s stars, Chamber’s Rendezvous radius, Player Behavior, and more.Download...
Sage has beengetting nerfssincebeforeValorantwas even released, but in the game’s latest patch she’s finally getting some power back. The new update also brings some big changes toIcebox,Valorant’s newest map, and a for-fun Snowball Fight mode. ...
One of the good things about patch 3.01 is the game system update, which should result in less clipping overall while playing Valorant. This should be a big help in staying hidden while playingValorant ranked. You can read the full patch noteshere. While it’s a pretty small update, it’...
The latest Valorant update has sparked some intriguing discoveries within the game’s code. Observant players have uncovered references that suggest certain modes are currently being tested on console platforms. This comes after the rollout of patch 8.10, which seems to have introduced these curious ...
Valorant Update 0.47+ nerfs Raze's abilities and re-adjusts some of Sage's. Full patch notes ahead.