How to redeem a Valorant Gift Card (US)? Log into the Valorant game client Click on the Valorant icon located to the right of the Store tab Select Prepaid Cards & Codes Input the code provided Press Submit Enjoy your VALORANT Points!
Valorant Gift Card: how to use? Log into the Valorant game client, Select Valorant icon located to the right of the “Store” tab, Select “Prepaid Cards & Codes,” Input the code from your Valorant Gift Card, Select “Submit.”
Gift Card Expiration Date There is no expiration date: Your gift card will not expire. Where are Gift Cards Accepted This gift card is accepted on Valorant. Other Gift Card Limitations These gift cards are for USA accounts. They must be redeemed in the USA region....
Select Valorant icon located to the right of the “Store” tab, Select “Prepaid Cards & Codes,” Input the code from your Valorant Gift Card, Select “Submit.” Limited is not affiliated with Product Owner and all products come from independent sellers. ...
Pay in Valorant with Crypto. Buy Valorant gift cards with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and more. Instant delivery by email. Without creating an account. 此礼品代码适用于以下国家/地区的 Valorant:🇦🇲Armenia,🇦🇹Austria,🇧🇪Belgium + ...
The perfect gift for anyone who plays VALORANT or trying it out for the first time Unlocks in-game currency that can be used to purchase weapon skins and unlock new agents Gift cards are redeemable on Riot accounts in the IN only.
Valorant Points Gift Card Code兑换码使用方法: 在瓦罗兰特客户端上充值步骤: 1. 单击位于“商店”选项卡右侧的 VALORANT 图标。 2. 选择“Prepaid Cards & Codes”,然后输入购买的代码。 3. 按“Submit”即可。 在英雄联盟客户端充值步骤: 1. 使用您的游戏帐户登录 Riot 游戏客户端; 2. 点击可以在游戏中找到...
Riot Games offers prepaid VALORANT gift cards in various denominations. VALORANT prepaid cards can be redeemed only in VALORANT. Cross-game redemption is not supported. Remember that the cards arePC-Onlyand are region locked, meaning if you purchase a card in Australia or New Zealand, that card...
Gift idea #2:Valorant gift cards Tired of seeing your buddies with the default skins? Gift them some in-game currency to use towards weapon skins, agents, and the battlepass! It's the safest pick on this list, since it allows the reciever to decide how they spend their currency in-game...
Valorant Gift Card sold by OffGamers is a region locked product. It's only valid for account registered in the respective region. All purchases are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-EXCHANGEABLE on cases mentioned. Buy Valorant Points Cards Soar to new gaming horizons in Valorant with the Valorant Points ...