All Leagues QOR CUBE Earlier Today TSM WU ANT NOS FSX MVR SRB BLUE 1UP KTN AKV BBB Later Today 4:00PM SLT DRX 5:00PM LLX FLC 6:00PM BFX GEN 8:00PM PPQ ASND Tomorrow 3:00AM NOTT OXU Challengers LATAM S•Week 2 Bo3
DVM (Valorant) Players Age Stats All-time players Average players age 23 years Youngest player juseu 19 years, 09.08.2004 Oldest player Xms 27 years, 24.05.1997 Current players Average players age 24 years Youngest player Shin 22 years, 03.09.2002 Oldest player logaN 26 ...
Paper Rex (Valorant) Players Age Stats All-time players Average players age 21 years Youngest player f0rsakeN 17 years, 25.03.2004 Oldest player Tommy 27 years, 28.12.1993 Current players Average players age 20 years Youngest player f0rsakeN 17 years, 25.03.2004 Oldest player...
While the player count is subject to change as more players join or leave the game, the current figure of 19 million highlights Valorant's impressive impact on the gaming community and its continued success as a top-tier competitive title. Which Valorant Agent should I play? Choosing the ...
Check the most up to date Valorant esports schedule, calendar and results from matches. Get up to date Valorant esports calendars and scores online
Have a VALORANT Account in good standing (no current bans/suspensions on VALORANT or Riot Account level) Own an Xbox Series X|S or PlayStation®5 If you can say "yes" to all of the above bullets, just log into your console's online marketplace, download VALORANT, and log in to ge...
356 Online Users 10 812 Total Users Undetected Current Status 11/29/2024 Last Update About Us What is VALORANT WORLD? We are a team of experienced and talented developers specializing in creating innovative software to enhance your gaming experience. Our primary goal is to provide you with ...
Since 2021, the company has been actively developing the competitive gaming scene, organizing regional and international competitions. In Brazil, the current Valorant champion is theLOUD team,and winning championships secures teams a spot in international competitions. ...
Both players are suppressed and must fight with their current weapons. Initiators Sova Abilities: Owl Drone: Deploys a drone that can tag enemies, revealing their location. Shock Bolt: Fires an explosive bolt that deals damage on impact. Recon Bolt: Fires a bolt that reveals enemies in its ...
Therefore, verify the current status of Riot game servers to ensure they are operational. Utilize a free online server status detection website to determine if a server outage is occurring. Method 2. Update Valorant Fix it now! To repair damaged system, you will have a 24hr Free Trial and...