Every agent in Valorant has two abilities they can purchase at the start of every round. There’s also a signature ability that charges up as they play. Lastly, each agent has an ultimate ability that gets charged by racking up kills and interacting with orbs. All Valorant Agents and Abil...
How to play Sova in Valorant:As the formal recon Agent of Valorant, all of Sova’s abilities are built towards exposing of foes. For one, he can deploy a flying drone that can mark targets for allies and alert them to enemy presences. He also packs a sort of sonar arrow ability. Whe...
Each agent has four abilities, though you won’t have access to them all immediately. Out of the gate, each agent has a signature ability, as well as an ultimate that charges over time. Between each round, you can buy charges for the two other abilities that are specific to whatever a...
Sage is the closest to what we can call a ‘support agent’ inVALORANT, and her ultimate is one of the most powerful in a game with no in-round respawns. Her voice lines show how deeply she cares for her teammates and wants to support them in every way possible for them to continue ...
The second agent is unlocked once tier 10 is complete – this is the final tier for the contract. You will unlock the first two Valorant agents much quicker than the remaining ones. So, decide which of the locked agents you want to try most and pick them during the introductory contract....
Riot Games has revealed Clove, the next agent that will come toValorantas part of Episode 8, Act II. This character brings some pretty awesome “post-death” abilities that give players a way to fight back after getting killed, continuing the trend of Riot addinggame-changing new agentstoVal...
Again, Jett has the most abilities out of all nine agents, as she is currently the only agent with a passive ability. A passive ability is one that is always in use and does not need to be bought or activated. Jett's passive is called Glide, and it allows the players to glide from...
Find out which Valorant abilities you should be utilizing. Use charts to compare yourself with your friends, and see who truly comes out on top! Coming Soon.
gunplay as well as the use of skills.Valoranthas nine different "Agents" to choose from each with their own unique abilities. Mastering these abilities can give a player the upper hand in a fight, and pairing them with other agent's abilities could be the difference between victory and ...
upcoming female Controller, Valorant’s Agent 25 named Clove. Clove is rumored to be of Scottish descent, if we believe the leaks from reliable sources so far. The upcoming Controller will done a pink jacket, and as a controller agent with abilities that resemble Omen’s kit, she will […...