【无畏契约】Champions Tour 2023: EMEA League KOI VS NAVI 图1 ASCENT 亚海悬城 123 0 01:24:29 App 【无畏契约】Champions Tour 2023: EMEA League KOI VS NAVI 图2 LOTUS 莲华古城 44 0 58:29 App 【无畏契约】Champions Tour 2023: LOCK//IN São Paulo NRG VS KOI 极地寒港ICEBOX 103 0 ...
【Valorant动态】VALORANT Champions 2023 D5——在D4 赛程中FNC 利落锁定晋级名额,A组 EG 2:0 拿下FUT成为了继DRX后第二支锁定晋级席位的战队。A组方面,PRX 2:0 轻取KRU ,EDG 则让一追二拿下了GIA。今晚就是我们关键的生死战了,败者组buff上起!
【无畏契约】2023全球冠军赛/CHAMPIONS 2023 系列所有皮炫彩实机演示鉴赏预览 |VALORANT|瓦洛兰特|瓦罗兰特共计10条视频,包括:全胜姿态、原始阶段、狂徒 非MVP全阶段等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
3月2日,在全球玩家的热切瞩目下,2025无畏契约曼谷大师赛(VALORANT Champions Tour 2025: Masters Bangkok)的冠军之战已落下帷幕。最终,老牌劲旅T1战队逆风翻盘,以3:2击败G2拿下了冠军。 九号公司 作为赛事中国区官方合作伙伴,不仅见证了这场电竞盛宴的巅峰对决,更通
One more game for the night. One more kill for the ace. One more round for the win. One more map for the glory. All it takes is ONE MORE for the championship. Top off your winning look with our VALORANT Champions 2023 One More Hat, the must-have accessory for shielding your eyes ...
All qualified teams to VCT Champions 2024 EG won the VALORANT Champions in 2023, but they won’t be able to replicate this year. Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games Sixteen teams have fought their way through the VCT season to reach this ultimate stage. Here are all the qualified teams...
One more game for the night. One more kill for the ace. One more round for the win. One more map for the glory. All it takes is ONE MORE for the championship. Add championship flair to your outfit with our VALORANT Champions 2023 MoshPin, a stylish collectible for any fan.Shop...
Valorant Champions 2023 kicks off with Group D’s Liquid vs NAVI encounter These teams are facing a very familiar opponent to start theirChampions 2023journey, as Liquid and NAVI have met each other twice at the EMEA League with a 1-1 record this year. Their most recent match at VCT EMEA...
VALORANT Champions Tour 2023 Hong Kong & Taiwan Stage 2 Challengers Match results, calendar, VODs, stream, team rosters, schedule
29 май Team Liquid и Fnatic сыграютвплей-офф VCT 2023 Masters Tokyo. Занихиграютроссияне 28 ноя NAVI с ANGE1 выигралиивентпередстартомфраншизнойлиги VCT 21 сен NAVI, Liquid, Fnatic...