The GC × GC system had a normal 2D column configuration (nonpolar × midpolar). The 1D column was a 30 m nonpolar HP-5MS UI capillary column (5 % phenylmethylpolysiloxane) with an internal diameter of 0.25 mm with a stationary phase film thickness of 0.25 μm. The 2D column was a ...
La media de la Cci fue elevada, mientras que la tensión arterial sistólica (TAS) y la tensión arterial diastólica (TAD) fue normal. El índice HOMA-IR promedio calculado fue elevado para ambos sexos (tomando 2,6 como valor de referencia estandarizado en nuestro laboratorio). En la ...
, in addition to their normal workload. Financial support (e.g., European programs like LEADER) is indispensable. Regular evaluation: After the realization of sustainable geotourism offers, an evaluation at regular intervals has to be guaranteed in order to recognize undesirable developments on time...
, in addition to their normal workload. Financial support (e.g., European programs like LEADER) is indispensable. Regular evaluation: After the realization of sustainable geotourism offers, an evaluation at regular intervals has to be guaranteed in order to recognize undesirable developments on time...