nearing the end of their shift, they received a 911 dispatch call for a water rescue at Poplar Beach in Half Moon Bay. Rhodes and Hunter supervise a district that spans about 40 miles of coastline, often answering calls as do other first responders. The district works in partnership ...
As for the teacher, it was possible to identify problems related to reading and text interpretation as well as handling applications and conceptual issues.Assis Amorim, Antonio EduardoBaptista de Rezende, Líriade Almeida Prado Pohl Sanzovo, SuzanaRevista Foco (Inter...
COSMA, GhizelaDOCOLIN, AncaRevista Muzeelor
Performance evaluation of a fabricated charcoal-fred oven for valorizing biowastesDeproteinizing animal bones from biogenic sources using the open-air burning protocol constitutes less thermal efficiency and poses health risks to the users. Improving the energy efficiency during deproteinization has ...
de Oliveira Morais, Maria Auxiliadorada Silva Prado, Alexsandro GonalvesRodrigues de Souza, Rafael DemetriusRabelo de Menezes, Edivaldosantos de Jesus, Silvia ManoelaDantas Costa, Yascara PryscillaRego Filho, Francisco SouzaGeSec: Revista de Gestao e Secretariado...
doi:10.21675/2357-707X.2023.v14.e-202363BRAZILINTENSIVE care unitsRESEARCHHEALTH facility administrationRESEARCH methodologyTIMEQUALITY assuranceDESCRIPTIVE statisticsDISCHARGE planningLONGITUDINAL methodObjective: To realize the value stream mapping proposing improvements...
.Silva Souza, DiegoCampos dos Santos, Mario JorgeSantos Silva, Cleo Claytonde Menezes Ramos, ThiagoGeSec: Revista de Gestao e Secretariado
Valuation do Ensino Superior Privado: Um Estudo de Caso dos Grupos Educacionais Listados na B3 S.A. Pelo Método Valor Patrimonialdoi:10.12819/2023.20.2.5UNITED States. Securities & Exchange CommissionHIGHER educationThis study analyzes to analyze the educational groups listed on ...
Based on premise of importance of optimizing the value chain and introducing lean thinking in companies, this work focuses on answering the following research question: would it be possible to identify possible improvement points even in a coffee company which ...