• 美国军事学院西点军校。申请Walnut Valley Unified School District 核桃谷联合学区
valley unified school district the student body at the schools served by sonoma valley unified school district is 29.7% white, 0.4% black, 1.8% asian or asian/pacific islander, 66.2% hispanic/latino, 0.2% american indian or alaska native, and 0.2% native hawaiian or other pacific islander. ...
n/a teachers at apple valley unified school district within apple valley unified school district, 100.0% of teachers are licensed. the student-to-teacher ratio is higher than the state average, at 24:1. the district has 10 full-time counselors on staff. student-teacher ratio 24:1 state ...
• 美国军事学院西点军校。 申请Walnut Valley Unified School District 核桃谷联合学区
Walnut Valley Unified School District 核桃谷联合学区 加利福尼亚州,沃尔纳特 ● 公立走读 ● 男女混校 ● 艺术特色 ● 阳光充沛 ● 临海岸线 ● IB 项目 ● STEM 项目 ● Niche 等级A+; 基本信息 • 建校年份:N/A • 宗教背景:无宗派
Chino Valley Unified School District奇诺谷学区 建于: 1860 STEM项目 蓝带学校 基本信息 学生人数:1600 学校类型:男女合校 住宿情况:住在寄宿家庭 宗教背景:无宗教 项目长度:春季学期, 春季学年, 秋季学期, 秋季学年 学校概况 学校概况 奇诺谷学区为9-12年级学生提供教育服务,旨在发展他们21世纪必备技能。依偎在知...
Walnut Valley Unified School District 位于大洛杉矶东部(离洛杉矶市中心约五十公里),包括钻石巴市和胡桃谷市。该学区有小学九所,初中三所,高中两所,和继续学习高中一所(有点象国内的差班性质)。钻石巴高中过去十多年一直是洛杉矶东部学生成绩最好的高中,胡桃谷高中则有后来居上之趋势,现在和...
Chino Valley Unified School District 联系丁丁留学(DDXG): 上海: 电话:400-902-7896 ; 微信:ddedush123 QQ:2462414427; 1104223137; 地址:上海市罗锦路218号5号楼麦腾未来城316; 上海市浦东新区环龙路57号丽晟广场A座306。 济南: 18769727787(微信同)...
The Walnut Valley Unified School District is located in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County and is a part of the Greater Los Angeles Area of the U.S. state of California. It serves the city of Walnut and much of the city of Diamond Bar.Los Angeles County (incorporated as the ...