Valley of Fire State Park is located in Clark County Nevada USA and spans over 40 000 acres of bright red sandstone dramatically contrasting with deposits of gray and tan limestone. ID: 1856715046 收藏 加入清单 下载版权Brian Welker TIFF大小 74.3MB 格式JPG 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:4160× 6240 ...
Valley of Fire State Park is located in Clark County Nevada USA and spans over 40 000 acres of bright red sandstone dramatically contrasting with deposits of gray and tan limestone. ID: 1851516286 收藏 加入清单 下载版权Brian Welker TIFF大小 74.3MB 格式JPG 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:6240× 4160 ...
火焰谷州立公园的英文全称是 Valley of Fire State Park 它是内华达州最古老、最大的州立公园,以深红色砂岩闻名 票价:15美金/车 开放时间:日出到日落 官网:请看这里 Q.火焰谷的交通? 自驾:火焰谷距离拉斯维加斯58英里/93公里,约1小时车程 跟团:Valley of Fire Hiking Tour from Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯附近...
内华达火谷州立公园(Valley of Fire State Park)-2 续上篇:Fire Canyon Wash 长2.8 英里,狭窄的红色岩石峡谷继续沿着岩画峡谷到 Mouse's Tank 的热门路线下方延伸; 干瀑布、巨石、垂直壁通道和干河床部分。待续
in Valley of Fire State Park. The entire park is only ten miles across so if you’re short on time and want to just take a scenic drive through the park, or stop at a few viewpoints, you’ll only need two or three hours. However, there is far more to see of the park than what...
最后一站Valley Of Fire State Park,火焰谷州立公园,内华达州最古老的国家公园。其实美国的很多国家公园都有类似之处,走着走着某个转弯或下坡会发现不一样的风景。看这些巨型红色砂岩就像看云一样,喜欢看出各种形状😁这次跟着车享#心享游#的美西自驾之旅算是正式画上句号。#说走就走,享去旅行#,一路车生活,...
Valley of Fire State Park 火红热辣,浪漫美西 首页 全部景点 火焰谷 印第安人眼中的圣地,赌城东部被时光定格的“火焰雕塑群”。 火焰谷州立公园是美国内华达州最老的州立公园,确立于1935年,1968年被记载为国家自然地标。置身面积达4万多英亩的火焰谷州立公园中,放眼望去,满目皆是红色的沙石裸岩。这些岩石在恐龙...
Valley of Fire State Park is just an hour drive from the Las Vegas Strip, and if you want to take a break from the blackjack tables, this is a great place to spend a half of a day. There are a handful of short hikes that are easy, very colorful, and scenic for people of all ...
Admission to: Valley of Fire State Park English-speaking professional driver/guide Round-trip transfers to and from the meet up location Insurance provided by the operator Bottled water 1-day tour Meals and beverages Other personal expenses
Valley of Fire State Park.Details on attractions at the Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada. Composition and location of sandstone formations in the state park; Visitors' reasons for coming to the park.BledsoeLysbethAlgireTomEBSCO_AspCortlandt Forum...