Valkyrie Elysium Official Materials Collection If you enjoyed the official artwork and character designs in our Valkyrie Elysium concept art gallery, sharing this page would really help us!Members can download this entire gallery in ZIP format for easy access. Learn more about the full benefits of ...
InVALKYRIE ELYSIUM, a young Valkyrie is entrusted with the fate of the world by the All-Father, the highest of gods and ruler of all creation who will face various enemies on her quest and must utilize a variety of weapons, magic and the power of her allies to prevent Ragnarok—the dest...
Square Enix’s Valkyrie Elysium is nearly upon us – Famitsu’s review is now available and reveals the expected playtime. However, it also released some extensive new gameplay that showcases combat later in the game. Check it out below....