Set in the fictional land of Europa during the war in 1935, Valkyria Chronicles 3 follows the battles of the Nameless Unit, a special unit comprised of soldiers who have left their names and pasts behind in order to serve their country. This unique concept adds a layer of depth and comple...
WOT Blitz tier 7 Valkyria Chronicles PHT Nameless my replay 坦克世界:闪击战(战车世界:闪击战) 8播放 · 总弹幕数02021-05-02 00:00:15点赞 投币收藏分享 稿件投诉 未经作者授权,禁止转载 A pretty good HT with MT's handling. Enjoy!
Valkyria Chroniclesis a game that I’ve been wanting to play for years and I haven’t been disappointed. It’s something I’m going to play time and time again and will want more of when I’m done. It’s a shame that the sequels don’t feature on consoles or on the PC, but no...
另外一位是3代角色,无名部队里的古斯尔格。 其他就是杂鱼 Nameless Tier: 8 HP: 1600 Weight: 34t Engine Power: 570hp Power to Weight: 16.76 hp/t Speed + 50 / -14 kph Hull Traverse: 28 deg/sec Turret Traverse: 27.1 deg/sec Terrain Resistances: .959/1.151/2.205 Hull Armor: 220/80/80 ...
Import Save Data from: Valkyria Chronicles (US or JPN)Character: Eleanor Varrot Import Save Data from: Valkyria Chronicles 2 (JPN)Character: Licorice Import Save Data from: Valkyria Chronicles 3 Demo (JPN)DLC Mission Contributed by:animee1 ...
Track Similar to the original Valkyria Chronicles for PS3, this game takes place in the fictional land of Europa during the war in 1935, but follows the battles of the Nameless Unit rather than the Gallian Army. Members of this special unit ...See more ...