The within-subject standard deviation or within-people mean square residual was calculated using ANOVA (the F-test in SPSS’s Scales module was used). The least significant change between the two tests was calculated using within-subject standard deviation multiplied by the 2 and 1.96, the ...
The test–retest reliability of the two trial measurements obtained from the Qualisys and Ergo systems was determined by using ICC3,1, and ratio coefficient of variation (CV), respectively23. ICC was performed using SPSS 23.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). CV, RMSE, and linear regression were ...
The rotation was able to more reliably separate the structures and make the interpretation much easier. In Table 4, each row represents a question, for example, the first row is related to the first question that it is related to the first factor (first dimension). According to this ...
Subsequent principal component method was used to extract a single factor for each subversion, providing eigenvalues ranging from 8.55 to 8.82, total interpretation rate of variance ranging from 71.26 to 73.50%, and all loadings of the items being greater than 0.65. The loadings for each item ...
Percentage agreement is more suitable than for example Cohen’s kappa and interpretation by clinicians is more straightforward [32]. Cohen’s kappa is a relative measure of reliability, whereas percentage agreement is an absolute measurement. In clinical practice, the probability that another rater ...
The Health app on iPhone is reliable and valid for measuring GS and SL in adults and seniors. Careful interpretation is required when using the Health app in children and when measuring DST in general, as both have shown limited validity and/or reliability....
repeated the process for the random responding scale (RRS). The above analyzes were performed using IBM SPSS 25. Data can be retrieved from the OSF platform ( Results Fig.1shows the distribution of Turkish IOP–29 FDS scores for the three feigning sub-conditions (...
In the event MMR status interpretation was adjusted after addition molecular tests, only the original stain scores (raw IHC data) were collected. Cases in which the terms “subclonal”/“heterogeneous”/“focal”/“patchy” were used to describe the MMR IHC results were considered to have loss...
The Health app on iPhone is reliable and valid for measuring GS and SL in adults and seniors. Careful interpretation is required when using the Health app in children and when measuring DST in general, as both have shown limited validity and/or reliability....
the tool’s structure was supported only by PCA. A CFA should be done to support LCQ-IPS-R’s four-factor structure. The CFA omission might impact the validation process robustness and could influence the interpretation of the results. Therefore, further studies are warranted for CFA incorporatio...