Odds ratios (ORs) for a poor outcome on days 30th and 90th after ictus with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for each grade of the 5-category SAH grading scales (i.e., the PAASH, WFNS, and H&H scales) with a univariable logistic regression model, with grade I taken as...
17.period 18/slash 190zero 201one 212two 223three 234four 245five 256six 267seven 278eight 289nine 29:colon 30;semicolon 31<less 32=equal 33>greater 34?question 35@at 36AA 37BB 38CC 39DD 40EE 41FF 42GG 43HH 44II 45JJ 46KK ...
“the legitimacy of statutes is measured against the discursive redeemability of their normative validity claim—in the final analysis, according to whether they have come about through a rational legislative process, or at least could have been justified...
For example, the study-site population may be from a high-income majority group and the policy-site population is a low-income minority group, and the analyst may not be able to control for these differences in the transfer process. Alternatively, a meta-function might be specified as a lin...
17.period 18/slash 190zero 201one 212two 223three 234four 245five 256six 267seven 278eight 289nine 29:colon 30;semicolon 31<less 32=equal 33>greater 34?question 35@at 36AA 37BB 38CC 39DD 40EE 41FF 42GG 43HH 44II 45JJ 46KK ...
Face to face PANSS and CDS interviews were conducted before and after the assessment period blind to the ambulant data. Results Compliance as defined by completion of at least 33% of all possible data-points over seven days was 82%. In the 36 compliant participants, 5 items (delusions, ...