This article relates common ways of conceptualising action research as "intervention", "collaboration", "interactive research", "applied research", and "practitioner research" to a number of different ways of knowing, extracted from the works of Aristotle. The purpose is not to disavow any of the...
In this paper, we report on the development and validity of the Professional Decision-Making in Research (PDR) measure, a vignette-based test that examines decision-making strategies used by investigators when confronted with challenging situations in the context of empirical research. The PDR was ...
Raf~ hadith is one of the most important hadiths that is cited in the principles of jurisprudence to prove the principle of Bera'at Shar'ee and has a wide application in jurisprudence. Some contemporary jurists have raised some problems regarding the documentary valid...
Reliability is a measure of the stability or consistency of test scores. You can also think of it as the ability for a test or research findings to be repeatable. For example, a medical thermometer is a reliable tool that would measure the correct temperature each time it is used. In the...
Previous research indicates that young athletes as well as athletic administrators hold gender-role stereotypical beliefs about coaches that disfavor females. The validity of two such beliefs (lack of qualified female coaches and time constraints due to family responsibilities) was examined in a statewid...
Despite a growing body of research regarding the health-promoting schools (HPS) concept from the World Health Organization (WHO), research on measuring of the HPS is limited. This study aims to develop a scale for assessing the status of the HPS based on the WHO guidelines and to evaluate ...
Recently MMR-deficiency (MMRd) has been approved as a pan-cancer predictive biomarker for checkpoint inhibitor therapy, leading to a vast increase in the use of MMR IHC in clinical practice. We explored whether immunohistochemical staining with PMS2 and MSH6 can be used as a reliable substitute...
We propose a fuzzy validity–probability decision maker based on extended fuzzy logic (FLe). • The system is formulated in terms of the proposed possibility–probability–validity distribution (PPVD). • The approach is applied to a real-world setting of actual judicial cases. • To examin...
SELF DESCRIPTION QUESTIONNAIRE III: THE CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF‐CONCEPT RATINGS BY LATE ADOLESCENTS This research examines the validity of self-concept interpretations of scores from a new instrument for use with university-aged respondents. The Self Desc... HW Marsh,R O'Neill -...
This paper explores multiple articles relating to qualitative research. Qualitative research has seen several transformation that aim to support contributions for this research development. As research, using a qualitative methodology rises to prevalence, this paper explores industry and academia use of this...