In its travels from psychological tests to psychological experiments to economic experiments the concept of validity generally retained its meaning as the accuracy of a scientific procedure. At the same time, however, it was put to use in dissimilar ways and elicited different discussions in the ...
The first part of the paper consists in a characterisation of the notion of experimental validity. The second part is focused on several historical examples illustrating how the above pragmatic modes relate to the question of experimental validity. The Michelson–Morley experiment is presented as a ...
Often, research studies in fields like psychology are conducted in laboratories, with the goal of better understanding human behavior. Ideally, an experiment like this will produce generalizable results—meaning that it predicts behavior outside the laboratory. If so, the study shows evidence of ecolo...
We did not replace participants who were excluded based on the pre-registered exclusion criteria, meaning that our final sample of participants with complete data for all measures could have been more or less than 700. However, if the number of participants included in any of the analyses was ...
If a finding of drivers behavior is examined in a laboratory and conclusions are derived under scientifically sound experimental conditions, the finding has high internal validity. If the same behaviors are then observed in a field experiment that comes to the same conclusions, the laboratory results...
using BERT [55] for sentence representation andk-means (with\(k = 100\)) as the clustering algorithm. Then, we sampled an equal number of sentences from each cluster (in particular, we extracted randomly up to 50 sentences per cluster) to maintain high variation of sentence meaning. ...
meaning taking the overlap with overt aggression into consideration. Most of the studies in the present review have used the second approach. Nevertheless, when overt aggression is controlled for, in case of the continuous approach, the correlation between overt andrelational aggressionis partialled ...
Internal validityis the extent to which you can be confident that a cause-and-effect relationship established in a study cannot be explained by other factors. In other words, can you reasonably draw a causal link between your treatment and the response in anexperiment?
What is the meaning of absolute threshold? Provide an example. What is an example of group conformity? Explain how reliability is related to validity, and/or vice versa. What are some modern examples of doublethink? What is an example of counterfactual thinking?
Test Reliability The reliability of a test is related to its consistency. Think of your car. You want it to be reliable – start all the time, turn when you turn the steering wheel, stop when you press the brakes. A reliable test is consistent in the way it measures. ...