BS EN 50126-3-2006 Railway applications -The specification and demonstration of Reliability,Availability,Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) Part 3-Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for.. 热度: RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE DIGIT CANCELLATION TEST, A… ...
Test–retest reliability was assessed via a second iPhone-instrumented 6MWT 1 week later. Agreement of the Health App with the APDM Mobility Lab was good for GS in all age groups and for SL in adults/seniors, but poor to moderate for DST in all age groups and for SL in children. ...
The 30-s and 5-time STS tests had excellent intra-, inter-, and test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients: 0.990–1.000, 0.996–0.999, and 0.841–0.853, respectively) with a large SEM and MDC. Both STS tests significantly correlated with knee extensor and flexor strength and...
The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) has shown good validity and reliability, but few studies have examined the GDS among very old adults or the Swedish translation. Evaluate the validity and reliability of the Swedish version of GDS-15 among very old ad
These values refer to perfect reliability. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted to test construct validity. Model fit results obtained in CFA were as follows: x2=1622.07, df=1061, p-value=0.000 RMSEA=0.046 in the group of ill adolescents; and x2=2082.33, df...
This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Indonesia version of the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID-5) scale. Methods: After the cross-cultural adaptation method was conducted, psychometric tests were done from August to November 2019 at affiliated hospitals in Yogyakarta by ...
22, No. 2/2018Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine | Vol. 22, No. 2/2018: 33–38 | DOI: 10.18276/cej.2018.2-04TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THREE DIFFERENT AGILITY TESTS FOR VARIOUS TEAM SPORTS IN YOUNG MALE ATHLETESMehmet Kutlu, 1, A, B, C, D Özgür...
Usingasampleof4,811Chinesecollegestudents,thereliabilityandvalidityoftheChinese versionofthePDQ-4+(Yang,Rorbert,&Paul,2000)wereexamined.Resultsindicatedthat theinternalconsistencyandtest-retestreliabilityofPDQ-4+subscaleswerepsychometrically acceptable.Exploratoryfactoranalysisresultedina3-factorsolution,whichconforms...
Abdominal muscle strength and endurance are widely assessed by means of a timed 1‐minute full sit‐up test, despite the more accepted use of half sit‐ups as a muscular strength and endurance exercise. In the present study, the validity and reliability of a 1‐minute half sit‐up protocol...
0.114.(2)Inter-raterreliability.Intraclasscorrelationcoefficient(ICC)oftheseveritysubscalewas0.97,and ICCofthedistresssubscalewas0.94.(3)Test-retestreliability.Thetest-retestcorrelationcoefficientoftheseveri- tysubscalewas0.89,andthetest-retestcorrelationcoefficientofthedistresssubscalewas0.86.(4)Criterionva- 301中...