Reliability is a measure of the stability or consistency of test scores. You can also think of it as the ability for a test or research findings to be repeatable. For example, a medical thermometer is a reliable tool that would measure the correct temperature each time it is used. In the...
If we speak of reliability,we have to mention stability (having the same results inrepeated measurements from the same sample), equivalence,and homogeneity. Homogeneity is related withinternal consistency; it measures how close results areobtained from items intending to measure the same structure.In...
To assess the validity of a cause-and-effect relationship, you also need to considerinternal validity(thedesign of the experiment) andexternal validity(thegeneralizabilityof the results). How to ensure validity and reliability in your research ...
How do you determine reliability of a research? There are several tools for measuring reliability, including the split-half method, test-retest method, internal consistency, and reliability coefficient. The split-half method divides the study sample group into two smaller groups and compares the...
When we look at reliability and validity in this way, we see that, rather than being distinct, they actually form a continuum. On one end is the situation where the concepts and methods of measurement are the same (reliability) and on the other is the situation where concepts and methods ...
Today science world changes sharply in a high speed. In a way that in all areas such as research methods these changes are obvious. Although concepts such as validity and reliability in Positivist methodology have been used with distinct and general rules, in post positivist period in which they...
Validity and reliability (credibility and dependability) in qualitative research and data analysis. In: Applied thematic analysis. London: Sage Publications; 2012:79-106.Guest, G., MacQueen, K. M., & Namey, E. E. (2012). Validity and reliability (credibility and dependability) in qu...
The Relationship Between Reliability and Validity When it comes to providing accurate and useful data analysis, sociologists and scientists of all fields must maintain a level of validity and reliability in their research—all valid data is reliable, but reliability alone does not ensure the validity...
The present study examines the psychometric qualities of the mDES in a sample of 11,422 Greek adults aging from 18 to 83 years old. Results showed satisfactory reliability levels on both subscales of the test. Factor analysis revealed a three-component solution in contrast to the two-component...
In order to assure the reliable measurement instrument the development of a multi-item scale for the construct must show strong evidence of reliability as well as convergent validity in a research sample.We test our conceptualization using data from a survey, conducted in the Slovenian market among...