Data validation in Microsoft Excel is a feature that allows you to control the type of data entered into a worksheet to improve the accuracy of the data. For example, Excel data validation enables users to limit data entries to a selection from a drop-down list and to restrict certain data...
2 在空白列中输入三个徒弟的名字,请竖着排列。3 然后,选中你需要控制输入的那些单元格。单击数据选项卡---数据有效性(Data—Data Validation)4 在跳出来的选项卡中,如下图所示,选中List(我用的是英文版,中文版我不确定是不是叫队列,但是位置排列肯定一致,上面数下来第四个)5 选中list之后在下面的对话...
以下是设置Excel数据验证规则的步骤: 1.选择要设置数据验证规则的单元格或单元格范围。 2.在Excel的菜单栏中选择“数据”选项卡,并点击“数据验证”(在某些版本的Excel中,可能需要点击“数据工具”下的“数据验证”)。 3.在弹出的“数据验证”对话框中,可以看到几个选项卡,包括“设置”、“输入信息”、“出错警...
Data validation is a feature in MS Excel used to control what a user can enter in a cell of an Excel sheet. For restricts the entries in a sheet, such as a date range or whole numbers only. We can even create dropdowns, which save unnecessary space and shows the values in a single...
1.excel中data validation指的是数据有效性,数据有效性的使用方法如下:2.首先打开一个需要设置数据有效性的工作表。3.打开之后,在菜单栏里有一个数据选项,单击该按钮会下拉很多选项。4.在下拉的选项里单击有效性按钮,就会弹出如图对话框。5.单击允许下方的小三角形会下拉很多选项,在下拉的选项里...
In this article, we will learn How to validate data in Excel 2016.Data validation tool restricts the user to input data to ensure its accuracy and consistency in Excel. It helps in the consistency of the data. It guides the user to input the type of option which is necessary for your ...
Data ValidationUse data validation in Excel to make sure that users enter certain values into a cell. In this example, we restrict users to entering a whole number between 0 and 10. Create a Data Validation Rule To create the data validation rule, execute the following steps. 1. Select ...
In Excel 2007 it became possible to reference cells that are not on the same worksheet What can you use Data Validation for ? 1) For restricting the type of data that can be entered in a particular cell. 2) To provide a drop-down list of values that can be entered in a particular ...
In order to make data validation work, you have to tell Excel what type of data you want to allow in a cell or range of cells. In other words, you have to create criteria that must be met in order for the data to be permitted.
其中,DataValidation功能是Excel的一个强大特性,可用于对输入数据进行有效性验证,以确保数据的准确性和完整性。本文将介绍DataValidation功能的高级应用,并讨论如何利用该功能进行数据筛选、条件格式化以及数据输入限制等操作。 一、数据筛选 DataValidation功能可以帮助我们通过设定特定条件,从大量的数据中筛选出符合条件的...