However, for the model fit indices one was adequate (RMSEA = 0.066), while the others were slightly less than expected (CFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.924) (Figure 2). Standardized parameter estimates can be found on Figures 2 and 3, and unstandardized estimates are presented on Tables 1 and 2....
This parameter is useful for estimating the value for the proximity (one of "far", "near", or "immediate", registered by the OS from every advertising packet right after receiving it).This value thus depends on the phenomena influencing Bluetooth signal propagation and reception (fading and ...
Xinitial = x, y, z, vx, vy, vz f rom TLE (CD = 2.2) (6) The estimated orbit parameter from the multi-arc BLS orbit estimation, X0, P0, was determined before the single short-arc BLS orbit estimation for the first optical observation, Action 1. The estimated orbit parameters, X1...