'phone'=>'联系方式' ]; 就这样简单的实现了手机验证! 如果不想每次都传$message的话,可以看看这里\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\resources\lang\en\validation.php 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ...
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=EllisIO/Phone/PhoneServiceProvider --tag=laravel-phone-translations Usage Phone validation If you need to verify that the given number is valid and that is all, use thephonerule. If you need to validate that the given number is valid in a list of count...
In my Laravel+Vue.js SPA ( Single Page Application) I am using the phone number input validation package from here, BootstrapVue from here and Veevalidate from here . I think I need to show only the code inside my component file. The vue-phone-number-input component shows blue border an...
我用的是Vue.js的Laravel-5.8。我的问题是如何在Vee验证库中显示规则的自定义错误消息。我的“必需”规则的自定义消息没有显示,而是显示:“first_name字段是必需的。”预期的消息是“请输入名字”。代码下面的在app.js中 import { ValidationProvider } from 'vee-validate/dist/v 浏览9提问于2019-09-13得票数...
$smarty->assign('phone', Input::get('phone'));return$smarty; } 开发者ID:Wicloz,项目名称:UniversityWebsite,代码行数:45,代码来源:login.php 示例3: checknum ▲点赞 4▼ functionchecknum(){ extract($_REQUEST); require_lib("validate"); ...
type: number tab: Specifications calories: label: Fat span: left type: number tab: SpecificationsLartak 28 juin 2019 à 17:55:08 Bonjour. Il serait judicieux de précéder le titre de ton sujet par le nom du framework et sa version, par exemple : [Laravel version] Method [validateReq...
Requests include details of the event, such as the body of an incoming message, the phone or WhatsApp number it was sent from, and the event's name. With that information, your application can become extremely flexible and powerful. However, like all application input — regardless of its...
(Unknown Source) at com.s 1296 veer吧 yyyylss 刚到贴吧.上个小白小贴.10条常见问题1:关于连接不上电脑的.首先打开我的电脑看看驱动有没安装好.如果驱动已经安装还不行 进入拨号画面拨#*8727277#,选择Validate -configure USB Passthr 分享14赞 laravel吧 ☞qudx☜ laravel的表单验证方法时报错广大的朋友...
And typically you have this in your back end application, or in your back end rendered application can be laravel, can be rails, or it can be plain old php or plain old whatever. So this forum typically behaves like this. You submit the forum and it performs a full page reload. The...