dateISO:"Please enter a valid date ( ISO ).", number:"Please enter a valid number.", digits:"Please enter only digits.", creditcard:"Please enter a valid credit card number.", equalTo:"Please enter the same value again.", maxlength: $.validator.format("Please enter no more than {0...
submitHandler:function(form) {//通过验证后运行的函数,里面要加上表单提交的函数,否则表单不会提交$(form).ajaxSubmit();//form.submit();} success:"类名"//要验证的元素通过验证后的动作,跟一个字符串,会给输出错误的元素追加一个css类ignore:".ignore"//对某些元素不进行验证onsubmit:false//是否提交时...
enter the specified details which contain in your PAN card such as your PAN card number, DOB on your PAN card, and also your registered email ID and submit. Prevalidate your Bank Account Linked with PAN with Income Tax Website After the Bank account is updated with your PAN, you should ...
PanTool ParagraphHardReturn 平行 ParallelCallStack ParallelExecution ParallelForEach ParallelPort 參數 ParameterError ParameterWarning ParentChild ParentChildAttribute ParentChildAttributeDisabled ParseDynamicValue 部分 PartiallyComplete 分割區 PartitionFunction PartitionFunctionError PartitionFunctionWarning PartitionScheme...
PanTool ParagraphHardReturn 平行 ParallelCallStack ParallelExecution ParallelForEach ParallelPort 參數 ParameterError ParameterWarning ParentChild ParentChildAttribute ParentChildAttributeDisabled ParseDynamicValue 部分 PartiallyComplete 分割區 PartitionFunction PartitionFunctionError PartitionFunctionWarning PartitionScheme...
PanTool ParagraphHardReturn 平行 ParallelCallStack ParallelExecution ParallelForEach ParallelPort 參數 ParameterError ParameterWarning ParentChild ParentChildAttribute ParentChildAttributeDisabled ParseDynamicValue 部分 PartiallyComplete 分割區 PartitionFunction PartitionFunctionError PartitionFunctionWarning PartitionScheme...
Aadhaar (Indian personal identity number) EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card, Indian Voter ID) GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax identification number, Indian VAT number) PAN (Permanent Account Number, Indian income tax identifier) VID (Indian personal virtual identity number) Kennitala (Icelandic perso...
IndiaINAADHAARCompanyIndian digital resident personal identity number IndiaINEPICPersonElectoral Photo Identity Card, Indian Voter ID IndiaINGSTINVatGoods and Services Tax identification number, Indian VAT number IndiaINPANPersonPermanent Account Number, Indian income tax identifier ...
PanTool ParagraphHardReturn 平行 ParallelCallStack ParallelExecution ParallelForEach ParallelPort 參數 ParameterError ParameterWarning ParentChild ParentChildAttribute ParentChildAttributeDisabled ParseDynamicValue 部分 PartiallyComplete 資料分割 PartitionFunction PartitionFunctionError PartitionFunctionWarning PartitionScheme...
The Issuer Identification Number Check (IIN), also called as the Bank Identification Number (BIN) requires to look at the first six, or more freshly with changes declared by the governing body, eight digits of the Primary Account Number (PAN). The PAN is the debit card or credit card num...