spawn 物品/生物 数量 星级 防具 ArmorBronzeChest 青铜板甲 ArmorBronzeLegs 青铜板甲裤 ArmorCarapaceChest 甲壳胸甲 ArmorCarapaceLegs 甲壳护胫 ArmorFenringChest 芬里之甲 ArmorFenringLegs 芬里绑腿 ArmorFlametalChest 焰金胸甲 ArmorFlametalLegs 焰金属腿甲 ArmorIronChest 铁鳞甲 ArmorIronLegs 铁板甲裤 ArmorLeat...
Boar meat drop chance increased from 50% to 100% Wolf mean drop chance increased from 40% to 100% Onion seed may spawn in all mountain treasure chests Tar pits spawn in Plains Birchs have a 15% chance to drop a seed in Meadows and 10% in Plains (increased at a later patch) Oaks ha...
Leather Scraps -These are dropped by Boars in the Meadows Biome. They can be commonly found around Runestones that tell you about their lore. Boars are aggressive and will try to fight you once they notice your presence - this makes them easy to hunt. You should kill every Boar you come...
Example for boar which will drop iron scraps only when it has an Infusion. [Boar.0] ItemName = IronScrap Enabled = true AmountMin = 1 AmountMax = 1 Chance = 1 [Boar.0.CreatureLevelAndLootControl] ConditionNotInfusion = None Boss Affixes None Reflective Shielded Mending Summoner Elementalis...
spawn 物品/生物 数量 星级 防具 ArmorBronzeChest 青铜板甲 ArmorBronzeLegs 青铜板甲裤 ArmorCarapaceChest 甲壳胸甲 ArmorCarapaceLegs 甲壳护胫 ArmorFenringChest 芬里之甲 ArmorFenringLegs 芬里绑腿 ArmorFlametalChest 焰金胸甲 ArmorFlametalLegs 焰金属腿甲 ArmorIronChest 铁鳞甲 ArmorIronLegs 铁板甲裤 ArmorLeat...