When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow......
Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 07 December 20227:33PM Original upload 15 February 20212:19PM Created by Valheim Plus Team Uploaded by nXxyz Virus scan Safe to use
This system is working reliably and is issue-free. Any issues encountered are likely derived from a faulty configuration set up, or the server/client not running v+. Configuration File The Config file name is supposed to be "valheim_plus.cfg" and it needs to be placed in "BepInEx\config...
Either way I recommend you visit the site with ad block of some sort turned on. I want to make money from bots, not you. I have also enabled the setting whereby anybody who is logged in with a WP.com account should not see any ads. I am curious if that is working as advertised b...
They now try to flee and despawn when not seeing any targets. Event creatures still only despawn after completely dropping the aggro. Lox bite cooldown from 2 to 4 seconds and stomp cooldown from 10 to 12 seconds Resolution change from settings was broken (fixed in the next patch)0.202....
Hello there, I had been running Valheim dedicated server on Ampere arm based server, using the below install script: https://gist.github.com/husjon/c5225997eb9798d38db9f2fca98891ef This was working for quite some time. However, as of a N...
Optimizing Windows settings With the latest releases, Microsoft has added some new generic performance improvements within Windows that could actually help Valheim players see higher framerates in the game. Not all computers will have the ability to use the hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling option, ...
Download the open-source mod available onGitHub. Copy the filevalheim_reenable_nagel.dll(in the zip) into the game’s plugins files – Valheim/BepInEx/plugins. And that should do it. The fix addresses only client computers, not the server ones as well (like thePlus moddoes, for instance...
What's also quite interesting, is that one of the people working on it actually does so on Linux, which is always sweet to find out. About the game: Valheim is a game about exploring a huge fantasy world inspired by norse mythology and viking culture. You start you...
On first launch, enterSettingsand navigate to theGraphicstab. Immediately disable Bloom and Anti-Aliasing. It is also a good idea to disable SSAO to improve performance, though this is not required. If players do choose to disable SSAO, they can enable Amplify Occlusion in theconfigfile to re...