Open valheim_plus.cfg under BepInEx\config with any text editor and configure the mod to your needs. Please read the section about Server Config & Version Control (About Version Enforcement) below. Server Easy to set up and ready to use ValheimPlus servers can be rented here at ZAP-Hosting...
- Abra - Increddibelly - Radvo - A HarmonyX Mod aimed at improving the gameplay and quality of life of the game Valheim. Topics quality life ...
game server oracle oci free oracle-cloud oracle-cloud-infrastructure lgsm valheim valheim-plus setup-valheim Updated Jan 29, 2022 AlexMog / Longship Star 29 Code Issues Pull requests Valheim Dedicated server Fixes, Optimizations and High-Level API valheim valheim-mod Updated Mar 22, 2021...
下载地址: 此文件至关重要,你之后的mod修改配置全部在此文件中进行 此文件不知道如何下载的打开此文件复制内容自己创建同名文件即可,注意文件名及后缀名必须一致! 安装 1. 服务器端安装 将下载的WindowsServer.zip解压,其文件全部复制到Valheim Server的安装目录中 2. 复制服...
Github地址:不需要魔法)NEXUS MOD是知名的mod网站,经典的上古卷轴5都可以在这看到,进入官网后按Manual在按Slow download就可以下载,接下来的介绍是基于我个人在steamCMD上测试的独立服务器,也成功执行跟朋友玩在一起都没问题,至于游戏内置的P2P联机我没试过。这个模块基本上...
name is supposed to be "valheim_plus.cfg" it needs to be placed in "BepInEx\config"You will also need to place the "INIFileParser.dll" into the "BepInEx\plugins" folder (its supplied by default within the release versions)Currently Supported Configuration
下载地址:此文件至关重要,你之后的mod修改配置全部在此文件中进行此文件不知道如何下载的打开此文件复制内容自己创建同名文件即可,注意文件名及后缀名必须一致!安装1. 服务器端安装将下载的WindowsServer.zip解压,其文件全部复制到Valheim Server的安装目录中...
This Valheim mod allows you to change the quality settings Valheim doesn't give you access to. The configuration uses BepInEx's builtin config-system. This allows a configuration even while the game is running. - ValheimFPSPlus/ValheimFPSPlus.sln at mast
name is supposed to be "valheim_plus.cfg" it needs to be placed in "BepInEx\config"You will also need to place the "INIFileParser.dll" into the "BepInEx\plugins" folder (its supplied by default within the release versions)Currently Supported Configuration
If you use a server host and there is a BepInEx toggle somewhere, make sure to turn it on. If there is not a BepInEx toggle, but one for Valheim Plus you must turn that on. If you do not want to use the V+ mod, delete the ValheimPlus.dll or installValheim Minus. ...