Bugfixes Fixed network issue when picking up items that just auto-stacked Location music transition fixes Swamps music volume tweak Some player animation transition fixes Monsters wakes up if hit by a ranged attack Jump animation issue fixedImprovements Console...
Wood - At the beginning, You can get it by picking up branches and punching small trees and bushes (if the tree does not take Damage, it means that you'll need an Axe to cut it down). Stone - You can pick these from the ground; they are everywhere. Another method of gathering ...
Just to make sure that it is picking up the environment variables (if you used the exact ones I mentioned), you should see the following lines shortly after starting it (only if LOG is set to 1 or higher). May 09 23:28:28 raspberrypi valheim_server.x86_64[18757]: Applying BOX64_LO...