If you're playing Valheim right now, you NEED these mods to make the experience much better. Here are the best Valheim mods right now.
When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow......
not working for me, it loads now but nothing loads.. using GAVI HD textures.. Deleted any old configs, ensure its enabled and put the textures in the custom texture folder but still looks the same.. any ideas? TaxTalis supporter 15 kudos 30 May 2024, 7:20PM Please make sure the...
So I am probably done withValheimfor now. Our third run as a group ended in the Mistlands. I pushed through that with mods and reducing difficulty. But that plan is done. To sum up: Iron Gate, this is not fun. I don’t know why they have gone so big on the idea thatValheimneed...
Iron Gate mentioned recently they've been getting many questions on their stance of modding Valheim, so they wrote a post to give their thoughts including the subject of paid mods.
*This is a bug report list, not a feature suggestion list. *The ONLY place to report these things with the public test version is on discord or steam in the correct channels / threads. *If you have or have had any mods installed. We cannot guarantee that we can fix your bug. We ha...
$(ColorOrange ''"$FUNCTION_MAIN_MENU_EDIT_VALHEIM_MODS_HEADER"'') $(ColorOrange '-')$(ColorGreen '') $FUNCTION_MAIN_MENU_EDIT_VALHEIM_MODS_MSG $(ColorOrange ''"$DRAW60"'') $(ColorGreen ' 0)') $FUNCTION_MAIN_MENU_EDIT_VALHEIM_EXIT ...
Fixed a bug where menu navigation via keyboard arrows keys stopped working after the setting menu was exited via ESC or back button Fixed some UI elements to no longer flicker when the game is running at low FPS Naturally spawned beds can now be removed using the hammer Fixed a bug where ...
Finally! Valheim is getting close to the release of the big Ashlands update, and now you can go and actually test it. What can you expect from it? Well there is of course the entirely new Ashlands biome! Along with that there's over 30 new weapons, new bombs and ammuniti...
The main issue was that some mods are server only and some require users to also run the same version. Now if the server updates to the latest version and half of your players don't have that version of the mod it's an issue. I had added a workaround where on mod update I would...