unban [ip/userID] - Unbans the named user banned - Shows a full list of banned users ping - Pings the server to measure latency. lodbias [number] - Sets the draw distance for the server. The number can be set from 1 to 5. info - Prints the current system information. Valheim che...
You can adapt items list from TradersExtended as it shares the item structure.Trader namesYou can use different names of the same trader. Case insensitive original prefab name (internal ID, haldor has "Haldor") unlocalized name (m_name value, haldor has "$npc_haldor") localized name (...
Now that you know how to use console commands in Valheim, let’s go over all the console commands available and what each of these commands actually do. ban (name/ip/userID) Bans the given player from the server. banned Displays a list of banned players. Beard Gets rid of your beard ...
You can adapt items list from https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/shudnal/TradersExtended/ as it shares the item structure.Trader namesYou can use different names of the same trader. Case insensitiveoriginal prefab name (internal ID, haldor has "Haldor") unlocalized name (m_name value, ...
search_id [term] [max_lines=5]allows searching the object ID list. search_id wolfprints all object IDs that contain word "wolf". search_id fx_ 10prints all object IDs that contain word "fx_" on up to 10 lines. seedprints the world seed. ...