issue where network objects could become permanently corrupt, root cause of multiple issues (Player bases loading much slower over time in a multiplayer scenario; player bases being more prone to structural stability issues over time; random non-tamable enemies becoming tamed; random tamed animals ...
Tamed Event Factions Players AnimalsVeg ForestMonsters Undead Demon MountainMonsters SeaMonsters PlainsMonsters Boss Damage Types Blunt Slash Pierce Chop Pickaxe Fire Frost Lightning Poison Spirit Physical (Blunt, Slash, Pierce, Chop and Pickaxe) Elemental (Fire, Frost, Lightning) Skill Types Swords Kniv...
* Food rebalance (Most food items now give mainly stamina or mainly health to make food choices more interesting) * Food GUI overhauled to work better with the rebalanced food * Over 10 new things to eat (Actually 12) World * Tamed Lox now have a purpose * Slimy locations & creatures ad...