膝的内翻应力测试|外侧副韧带(Varus Stress Test of the Knee⎟Lateral Collateral Ligament) 2236 1 01:28 App 肘外翻失稳应力测试|内侧副韧带(Elbow Valgus Instability Stress Test⎟Medial Collateral Ligament) 2802 0 01:45 App McMurray测试|半月板损伤(McMurray Test⎟Meniscus Damage) 2555 0 02:17...
The valgus stress test is a method of gauging the integrity of the ligaments in the knees and elbows. The way that a valgus stress...
Define valgus stress test. valgus stress test synonyms, valgus stress test pronunciation, valgus stress test translation, English dictionary definition of valgus stress test. n. 1. A graded test to measure an individual's heart rate and oxygen intake whi
English Abduction test of knee, abduction test, valgus stress test, Abduction stress test, Abduction test, Valgus stress test, Valgus test, Abduction test of knee (procedure) Derived from the NIH UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Ontology: Adduction test (C0231734) Concepts Diagnostic Proc...
Synonyms for valgus stress test in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for valgus stress test. 3 words related to stress test: assay, check, treadmill test. What are synonyms for valgus stress test?
The laxity was significantly increased from 3.0° to 3.6° (p = 0.005) and from 4.7° to 5.7° (p = 0.007) in medial and lateral side, respectively, when the stress tests were performed under anesthesia in comparison to the laxity measured without anesthesia. The major change in laxity (...
网络释义 1. 挤压试验 (4)侧方挤压试验(Knee valgus stress test):又称为膝关节分离试验、侧向运动试验。患者伸膝,并固定大腿,检查者用一只手 … www.cdlvi.cn|基于 1 个网页
网络时作外翻压力试验;外翻应力试验;外翻之压力 网络释义
The Valgus Stress Test is a common orthopedic tests in order to assess the integrity of the medial collateral ligament in the knee.
stress test answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.