"valgrind invalid read of size"错误是Valgrind工具在运行时检测到的内存访问违规问题。这个错误表明你的程序尝试读取的内存区域是无效的,即该内存区域并未被你的程序所分配,或者已经被释放。size指的是尝试读取的字节数。 2. 可能原因 越界访问:访问数组或字符串时超出了其分配的内存范围。 使用未初始化的指针:指...
以下是Valgrind的报告: ==31109== Invalid read of size 8==31109== Address 0x5207238 is 8; 浏览61提问于2020-07-21得票数 0 回答已采纳 2回答 VALGRIND:大小为8的无效读取 、、、 shop::FindMinPrice(string product){我没有编写完整的代码当我运行val研检查时,它会显示:大小为8的无效读取,在eclipse...
string>myMap;1011voidmapInsert(inti,strings)12{13map.insert(std::make_pair(i, s));14}1516voiddeleteMap()17{18for(myMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)19{20map.erase(it->first);21}22}23private:24myMap map;25};2627intmain()28{29A a;30a.map...
# when the function (fun:) is called, you can just delete the rest of the stack # frame. You can also use wildcards to make the mangled signatures more readable. # # I added the following to the testpy.supp file for this particular error: # # { # Supress invalid read size errors...
int i = it->first; ++it; map.erase(i); 以上所述是小编给大家介绍的for循环中删除map中的元素valgrind检测提示error:Invalid read of size 8 ,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对我们网站的支持!
==22137== Invalid read of size 8==22137== at 0x404354: MAIN__ (test.f:11)==22137== by 0x4037D1: main (in /p/home/jusers/friedrich1/jureca/git/spex/tests/valgrind/a.out)==22137== Address 0x1ffe859090 is on thread 1's stack==22137== in frame #0, crea...
1 什么是内存泄漏 c语言中,需由开发者负责内存的申请和释放,内存泄漏是指开发者在程序中使用动态内存分配函数xxlloc在堆(heap)上申请内存,内存在使用完毕后未使用free函数释放,那么这块内存在程序退出前都不能再次使用,导致内存使用逐渐增大,直至耗尽,程序异常退出。 xxlloc函数指mal ...
==22137== Invalid read of size 8==22137== at 0x404354: MAIN__ (test.f:11)==22137== by 0x4037D1: main (in /p/home/jusers/friedrich1/jureca/git/spex/tests/valgrind/a.out)==22137== Address 0x1ffe859090 is on thread 1's stack==22137== in frame #0, crea...
valgrind输出:(直接使用未赋值的指针指向的值,会触发invalid read) plaintext 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ==93102== Use of uninitialised value of size 8 ==93102== at 0x1091B9: main (test.cpp:6) ==93102== ==93102== Invalid read of size 4 ...
和这个错误相对应的, 还有Invalid read of size 4错误提示. 1 2 3. ==3397== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==3397== at 0x108656: main (in /home/ciaiy/Desktop/codingSpace/c/free/a) 这个错误原因是变量未被初始化, 就被使用 ...