淡水河谷基础金属公司(Vale Base Metals)7月23日宣布,任命Shaun Usmar为首席执行官,Usmar将于今年年底履新,常驻多伦多。…
Shaun Usmar, a mining executive with more than three decades of global experience, has been selected CEO of Vale Base Metals. He succeeds Deshnee Naidoo, who stepped down last March. Usmar will assume his new role at the end of this year and will be based in Toronto. Vale Base Metals ...
Al comentar sobre su New evo Cargo,Usmar dijo:“Vale base Metals estáen unana posición única como na Compañía Global de metales de Transición Energy gética enafocada in procicionar los metales críticos que el Planeta neessesita en su Transición Desde lo...
Vale Base Metals has celebrated the signing of an agreement to begin the Stobie Open Pit Mining Project, located in the city of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The agreement will see the mining services company Thiess, work closely with the United Steelworkers (L6500 and L2020), a...
Vale Base Metals is set to invest around R$50 billion in the next decade in Brazilian nickel and copper projects, Vale's chief executive Eduardo Bartolomeo said at the opening of the Brazilian Mining Expo & Congress in Belem. Vale Base Metals was spun out from Vale in 2023. 10% of the ...
Vale CEO Eduardo Bartolomeo said: “We are proud to close a major milestone in our Energy Transition Metals platform, following a successful business carve-out. “This strategic investment by Manara reflects the confidence in our unique mineral endowment and ability to deliver metals needed for the...
Carlos Medeiros, executive vice president of operations; Mr. Shaun Usmar, CEO of Vale Base Metals; and Mr. Alexandre D'Ambrosio, executive vice president of corporate and external affairs. Now, I will turn the conference over to Mr.
快讯摘要 快讯正文 沙特合资公司Manara Minerals成功完成对淡水河谷的25亿美元投资 Manara Minerals,沙特阿拉伯矿业公司和沙特公共投资基金的合资企业,已经获得了淡水河谷子公司Vale Base Metals Limited的10%股权。此次交易已于5月6日得到监管机构的批准。
淡水河谷賣出Vale Base Metals部門13%的股權,交易金額34億美元。譯文內容由第三人軟體翻譯。 以上內容僅用作資訊或教育之目的,不構成與富途相關的任何投資建議。富途竭力但無法保證上述全部內容的真實性、準確性和原創性。讚好瀏覽 378熱點推薦 美國經濟或迎突變,2025年就業市場恐難獨善其身? 金十數據 · 2025/...
淡水河谷卖出ValeBaseMetals部门13%的股权,交易金额34亿美元 快讯摘要 淡水河谷卖出ValeBaseMetals部门13%的股权,交易金额34亿美元。 快讯正文 淡水河谷卖出ValeBaseMetals部门13%的股权,交易金额34亿美元。