Home facts updated by county records Price Trends For homes in 95650 $875,891 Median home value This home: $999,999 12% above Price trends provided by third party data sources. Comparable Sales for 5121 Val Verde Rd Address Distance Property Type Sold Price Sold Date Bed Bath Sqft 7605 Dic...
The description and property data below may’ve been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. Home where the heart is with this absolutely gorgeous Castaic home, located in the family-friendly Val Verde neighborhood. Upon entering the home, you???ll immediately notice the ...
Since 2015, both the documents – Patta and Chitta, pertaining to Tamil Nadu land records have been merged into a single document called Patta Chitta Harini BalasubramanianAug 2024 Real estate development in India: Smart cities and beyond The changing standard of the world reflects the need...
Since 2015, both the documents – Patta and Chitta, pertaining to Tamil Nadu land records have been merged into a single document called Patta Chitta Harini BalasubramanianAug 2024 Real estate development in India: Smart cities and beyond The changing standard of the world reflects the n...
The accuracy of the information is thus only as accurate as the public records from which it originates. It is highly recommended that you only use Zillow’s foreclosure information as a starting point and contact a foreclosure specialist prior to making any decisions based on this information. ...
Val Verde Christian Academy PK - 12 private 92 N/A 0.5 mi 4 Groves Middle School 6 - 8 public 622 1 reviews 1.4 mi 8 Bob Hope High School 9 - 12 public 469 N/A 2.2 mi Great Schools Ratings are based on student performance on state tests, progress over time, and college readiness...