The present invention relates to methods and compositions useful in the treatment and prevention of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections and the symptoms and diseases associated therewith. In particular the present invention relates to DNA vaccines comprising polynucleotide sequences encoding HCV proteins, ...
A DNA fragment capable of coding for HBsAg and DNA derivatives of Dane particles is fused to the region for controlling the arg3 gene of yeast and cloned in a yeast vector. The recombinant vector is employed for transforming the competent yeast cells in which the HBsAg gene is expressed....
Rekombinante proteiner av en Pakistani stamme av hepatitt E og deres anvendelse i diagnostiske metoder og vaksinerA strain of hepatitis E virus from Pakistan (SAR-55) implicated in an epidemic of enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis, now called hepatitis E, is disclosed. The ...
FREMGANGSMAATE FOR FREMSTILLING AV EN VAKSINE MOT HEPATITT B OG DEN SAALEDES OPPNAADDE VAKSINE.The product of the particles of antigens of hbsag surface of the hepatitis b by the expression of a culture of cho cells transfected by a plasmid in recovering the culture supernatant which, ...
In particular the present invention relates to DNA vaccines comprising polynucleotide sequences encoding HCV proteins, and methods of treatment of individuals infected with HCV comprising administration of the vaccines of the present invention.HAMBLIN PAUL ABRETT SARAOGILVIE LOUISE...