When the vagus nerve is stimulated, the response is often a reduction in heart-rate or breathing. In some cases, excessive stimulation can cause someone to have what is known as a vaso-vagal response, appearing to fall into a faint or coma because his or her heart rate and blood pressure...
Stimulation of the vagus nerve with the Valsalva manoeuvrecan help control heart palpitations. The Valsalva manoeuvre is a procedure in which you hold your nose, close your mouth and try to breathe out, forcibly. This action stimulates the vagus nerve to help stop palpitations and restore your h...
Vagus nerve stimulation7(or VNS) refers to any technique that stimulates the vagus nerve8, including manual techniques such as massages or electrical stimulation. Studies suggest that vagus nerve massage techniques can have a positive impact on “vagal tone,” which refers to the activity and resp...
Because there is a connection between the trigeminal nerve and the vagus nerve, any stimulation of the trigeminal nerve (pressure on the eyeball) can stimulate the vagus nerve. Likewise, the patient that said every time she “poops I get a headache.” The act of defecation stimulates the ...
One small horizontal incision on the left side of the neck is used to implant the electrode around the vagus nerve. The left side is chosen to avoid unwanted vagal stimulation of the heart, because the majority of efferent fibers to the heart travel along the right vagal nerve. However, ...
This means that it may, in theory, have effects on vagal stimulation, but we don’t know if this actually happens when someone takesalpha-GPCsupplements. Enemas Expanding the bowel increases vagus nerve activation.Enemasexpand the bowel, but they carry many risks when they’re not used under ...
The vagus nerve, the great wanderer, is involved in numerous processes throughout the body and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has the potential to modulate many of these functions. This wide-reaching capability has generated much interest across a range of disciplines resulting in several clinical ...
To do this, the researchers removed the vagus nerve or used vagus nerve stimulation to increase its function, and then the mice were given a challenge that they were sensitive to. Then they looked for signs of food sensitivity in the mice including elevated mast cells....
In vivo vagus nerve stimulation holds great promise in regulating food intake for obesity treatment. Here we present an implanted vagus nerve stimulation system that is battery-free and spontaneously responsive to stomach movement. The vagus nerve stimul
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is emerging as a unique and potent intervention, particularly within neurology and psychiatry. The clinical value of VNS continues to grow, while the development of noninvasive options promises to change a landscape that is already quickly evolving. In this review, we...