vagus nerve n,pl-gi(-dʒaɪ) (Anatomy) the tenth cranial nerve, which supplies the heart, lungs, and viscera [C19: from Latinvaguswandering] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
Cranial nerves are one of the most dreaded topics by anatomy students - but they can be mastered! Start improving your knowledge now with ourcranial nerves quizzes and labeling exercises. Thevagus nerve, or the 10th cranial nerve (CN X), is the longest and most complex of the cranial nerv...
This anecdotal evidence prompted the device maker to begin marketing its vagus nerve stimulator as an innovative treatment for depression. 这种疗法有一个显著的副作用:随着时间的推移,它能让人变得更快乐。即使病症仍然频繁:“不,把它留在里面。它让我感觉很好。” 这一轶事证据促使该设备制造商开始将迷走...
Vagus Nerve Anatomy: Where Is the Vagus Nerve Located? The vagus nerve splits in two as soon as it leaves the medulla oblongata. The left vagal nerve runs down the left side of your neck, and the right vagal nerve runs down your right side. This nerve extends all the way from your b...
It is possible to have a nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve–on one side, anyway. If you haven’t had the opportunity to dissect many cadavers, it may come as a surprise to learn that muscles, nerves, and blood vessels are fairly variable. Every fall in Gross Anatomy at WesternU, we have abo...
vagus nerve n,pl-gi(-dʒaɪ) (Anatomy) the tenth cranial nerve, which supplies the heart, lungs, and viscera [C19: from Latinvaguswandering] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007,...
Vagus Nerve Injury Anatomy and Function The VN is the longest of the cranial nerves, extending from the brain stem to the abdomen. It is also a major component of the parasympathetic nervous system. It emerges from the posterior sulcus of the brain medulla, dorsal to the olive and just belo...
Professor of Anatomy and Cell BiologyIndiana University School of Medicine, Fort Wayne, INJohn Wiley & Sons, IncN. Sritharan, M. Chase, D. Kamani, M. Randolph, G.W. Randolph, The vagus nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve, and external branch of superior laryngeal nerve have unique latencies ...
4. (Anatomy) anatomy any of various groups of nerve cells in the central nervous system 5. (Astronomy) astronomy the central portion in the head of a comet, consisting of small solid particles of ice and frozen gases, which vaporize on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail 6. ...
The vagus nerve is the information superhighway between the brain and the body's major internal organs and it plays a pivotal part in mental and physical health